Thursday, February 16, 2012

System Analysis and Design: Assignment 11

Based on my experienced as a student in University of Southeastern Philippines, I spent a lot of hardships on enrolling here in the university because of its not well planned procedures of enrollment system. Because every time the students starting to enroll in the university, I always hear in their comments of having a long line in every offices where they must undergo and finish every transaction. Especially for the scholars, they must fill up first the required forms in the Office of Student Services before they can renew their scholarships in the university. But before that, they must comply first all the requirements on their scholarship institutions because it is the first part of renewal of every scholarship of students, and it depends in the scholarship institutions on what are their requirements of renewing their scholarship grants. In that part, university’s enrollment system was excluded the requirements of every scholarship institution’s system of renewal of their respective scholars because it is their responsibility and not from the university. The only responsibility of the university with respect on the scholarship of the students is their renewal of scholarships in the Office of Student Services because it is the only requirements of all the scholars when enrolling in the university. But a long line in the Office of Student Services for the renewal of scholarships of the students is also a burden to all scholars because of not having an adequate and well planned venue for the students who must fall in line in the Office of Student Services for the renewal of scholarships. In that case, there are lots of problems in the part of the students because of time consuming procedure just for renewing their scholarships and it may cause on delaying on enrolling in the university for many reasons that involves time. In the part of the students, they want to lessen the burden of falling in line in the Office of Student Services for many hours just for renewing the scholarship. As for the non-scholar students, there is no problem regarding in their procedures because there is proper plan in implementing a queuing system in Cashier. But all of the problems that all of the students must face in enrolling in the university is the final part in the enrollment system, the process of being officially enrolled in the Office of the Registrar. Based on my experienced, it takes half day in falling in line in the registrar before the student can be officially enrolled, and my worst experienced in the enrollment system was to fall in line in the registrar for whole day because of very slow process in the part of registrar personnel and a very weak and not well planned procedures in the process in registrar. It may also the reason in the students of not having discipline in falling in line in the registrar because they want to shortcut the procedures in the registrar and it causes unfairness in the part of other students who take time just for falling in a long line just to finish the enrollment. In all of the procedures in the enrollment system, the process in the renewal of scholarships in the Office of Student Services and in the process in the Office of Registrar are the most time-consuming process of the enrollment procedure in the part of the student because of the slow process in that procedures. So to address those problems regarding the slow process on those two procedures in the enrollment system, the organization must select and develop a deployment environment to solve all the seen problems in the enrollment system.
            First of all, the organization must specify the system requirements to be developed in the enrollment system to solve all the seen problems in all of the procedures because it is very important in the organization that their requirements of the systems is compatible on the procedures they want to solve. Then the hardware and software systems they are using is not a financial burden to the organization because it may costly for them to use an expensive hardware and system software that are not important or useful in the enrollment system, or not necessary plans to implement in the required system. Next is the usage of strategic plans and architecture plans of the enrollment system. It is very important to use very well all the strategic plans in the system because it may costly in the part of the organization to implement an unnecessary strategic plan in the system if it is not working properly to solve the problems in the enrollment system. Planning the overall budget of the planned development environment in the enrollment system is very important to know how much they could spend on the project. Or it is worthy to spend much on the project or spend less and save much budget in their organization.

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